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Commission Smith (1964)


Commissioner appointed to investigate the real estate transactions of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal and the School Boards under its control during the ten year period 1953 to 1963, 1964.


Arrêté en conseil 1955 du 13 novembre 1963, CONCERNING an inquiry into the real estate transactions of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal (non publié dans la Gazette officielle du Québec).

Commission d'enquête créée conformément à la Loi concernant les enquêtes sur les affaires publiques (S.R.Q., 1941, c. 9).


Whereas under instructions of the ministers of Municipal Affairs and of Youth an investigation was made by Kenneth G. MacKay into the real estate transactions of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal and its local Boards during the past ten years. Whereas the report of this investigation indicates that in some nine cases the price paid for a school site was excessive or the procedure was questionable or the site was unsatisfactory or there is evidence of negligence of irregularity during this period. Whereas under these circumstances, it is necessary that full inquiry be made into the matter by a commissioner with full power to summon witnesses, question them under oath and require the production of documents.


Arthur Ives Smith (président)

Fonds d'archives

« Fonds Commissioner Appointed to Investigate the Real Estate Transactions of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal », conservé au Centre d'archives de BAnQ à Montréal. Cote : E130.